Chapter 6) An examiner closes in to cancel a decision to investigate the examiners

Note that the documents are not arranged in a chronological order since many documents have become available to me quite later than when it actually happened. The college was compelled by court order years later to disclose those documents .Note that all the documents mentioned and displayed here are stated in the affidavit sworn in court by the  Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (see the appendix)
I) Document 1 is an excerpt (the full letter in the Appendix) from a letter I’ve sent to the college registrar then Dr.John Feely on August 1996 complaining the examiners’ excesses in 1996 exam.
II) Document 2 which was obtained by a court order shows the minutes of the exam committee meeting on 06.09.1996 (see the right top) ,approved by the signature (in the right bottom) of the then president Dr. Stanley Roberts (see Document 3) on October 4th 1996.After considering my complaint(see I above), this exam committee meeting (see Document 2) has decided to oblige Dr. Buckley (the director/ in charge of the exam then)  to meet me in the college “to discuss matters further” i.e. to scrutinize the matter ,however Dr. Buckley refused to abide by this committee’s decision. With the documents available now one can see why he refused since abiding by the scrutiny decision would have brought to light the fact that my written answer papers and the clinical exam report(mark) were wasted and that the exam marks have been covertly fabricated (see chapter 3, 4).This exam committee’s decision was never transmitted to me (see IV below) nor I was aware of Dr. Buckley’s refusal to abide by it at the time but both have only been disclosed years later by a court order.
III) My serious accusations to the then director of the exam (Dr. Buckley) and the examiners as depicted in document 1 (the covert influencing of the due process of the exam) combined with the refusal of the accused to deal with those accusations as per the exam committee’s decision in document 2(see II above) made the then registrar Dr.Feely probably check the matter himself only to find out that the exam marks were fabricated (see chapters 3 and 4)
V) As a consequence of the above the registrar Dr.Feely quit (or been eased out since he was uncooperative with the cover up suggestion proposed by many) his registrar post prematurely soon afterwards in October 1996 as shown in Document 3 and 6, his term in office  was supposed to end in 1997(the standard three years office term) the same as the president and the treasurer who all started in 1994 (see document 3).It should be mentioned that the registrar post is the gate keeper and the hub of everything in the college e.g. corresponding on the behalf of the college, member of all the committees and the council, preparing documents and doing the presentations in all these meetings. .etc, this registrar office was from where Dr.T.J.McKenna conducted his campaign to obstruct any investigation that would have reached him personally as an accused (see below).
IV) Dr.T.J.McKenna who was one of the examiners in 1996 (see document 4) the very exam subject of my allegations of the examiners’ impropriety (see Document 1),swiftly and timely moved to the registrar post (see Document 6) vacated by the premature departure of Dr.Feely  (see V above) ,when Dr.McKenna  was requested to report (see Document 5) the never been reported September exam committee decision(See II above) he ignored the request (see Document 6),in effect he discarded the September exam committee decision to scrutinize my allegations (see II above)  instead he started afresh in a later exam committee meeting ( February 1997,see document 7) whereby he  declared himself and his fellow examiners as followers of “appropriate procedures” as he stated in Document 7 and considered the case closed (see the last paragraph of Document 7) without sending the appeals procedures (see next sentence), Dr.McKenna later deceived the exam committee by not sending me the appeals procedures despite his commitment to do so(see chapter 8) ,last but not least he dared to swap my appeal documents before presenting them to the council (see chapter 9) in full breach of the rules.
 According to RCPI meetings minutes in my possession, Dr McKenna was the only speaker whenever my case arises, urging "refusing" and "rejecting" my appeal requests out of hand, no other committee member had ever contributed in the subject. When I complained him to the censors, he was at this meeting reading the letter which decided that he is innocent!!!
    All Dr.T.J.McKenna’s actions were aimed at  obstructing any probable independent external investigation into the affair which would have resulted in discovering  the fabrication of the exam marks of 1996 exam  to cover for mislaid exam material (see chapter 3 and 4) the very exam Dr.T.J.McKenna was involved in (see document 4) .Dr.McKenna’s actions were typical of a despairing person trying to hide something.

  Dr.T.J.McKenna’s interference should have never been allowed since all human laws don’t allow any defendant (see IV above) from interfering in the ruling process, the royal college censors have been informed of Dr.McKenna’s conflict of interest and his actions but they preferred to turn a blind eye (see chapter 8, 10) and Dr. McKenna insisted on dealing with the matter for obvious reasons.
See also new informaion on the second paragraph of chapter one under PS

  • Document 1

  • Document 2

  • Document 3

  • Document 4

  • Document 5

  • Document 6

  • Document 7