Chapter 4) Fabricating clinical exam marks’ reports

Note that the documents are not arranged in a chronological order since many documents have become available to me quite later than when it actually happened. The college was compelled by court order years later to disclose those documents .Note that all the documents mentioned and displayed here are stated in the affidavit sworn in court by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland  (see the appendix)
I)        Document 1 shows the external record of my exam result of January 1996 exam.
II)      Document 2 (disclosed by a court order) is an internal college record of January 1996 exam, the fact that it belongs to January 1996 exam could be verified by: 1996/1 = January 1996, the acceptance date of the application was 22nd November 1995 two months before the January 1996 exam and the exam number being 86 the same as in January 1996 external exam report of document 1.
III)    Document 2 is an internal record of January 1996 exam (see above II) which shows that my oral examiners were Tunbridge and Tomkin, their names are written in surnames; Document 3 shows that those same surnames (Tunbridge and Tomkin) were also handwritten by the same examiners on their handwritten report/marks of the oral part of January 1996 exam, my exam number 86 is also shown on these handwritten notes, the date of the exam 24/1/1996 also appear on this Document. This is how the college exam handwritten notes are done.
IV)    Document 2 is an internal document of January 1996 exam (see II above) shows that the exam was held in St.Vincents Hospital ( the hospital name is also shown in Documents 4) and clinical examiners’ surnames of the major case were Counihan and O’Boyle (the same as they introduced themselves to me in the exam),these surnames Counihan and O’Boyle should have appeared on Document 4 of the handwritten report/mark of the major (note the circle around the word major) clinical (the title of the document) case of the clinical exam held on 24/1/1996(January 1996 exam) , however Document 4 shows that the surnames of the clinical major case examiners are certainly not Counihan and O’Boyle who were the real examiners of the major clinical case as shown on document 2.I add that these handwritten notes refer to a case which bore no resemblance whatsoever to the case I’ve seen in the exam. One can conclude that this clinical exam report (mark) was covertly and hastily fabricated to compensate for a mislaid clinical exam report (mark), the same way the written marks were fabricated to compensate for the mislaid answer papers (see chapter 3), please note that the director of the exam has been known to fabricate (see chapter 5) also review chapter 7 to see how the exam materials are lost in the transport between the college officers. The other explanation of this flawed clinical exam report is that there has been a mix up.
V)      Document 5 shows that Dr.T.J.Mckenna was a member of the clinical exam board in 1996, after approving and/or participating in the 1996 exam clinical report  fabrication (see IV above), Dr.McKenna swiftly moved to the registrar position once I complained( see chapter 6), confirmed that “appropriate procedures” were followed in 1996 exam  (see Document  6) i.e. exonerating himself, he later denied  me the appeals procedures requested from him  despite his promise to the exam committee to send it to me (see chapter 8) furthermore he swapped my appeal documents which were destined to the council by different documents he submitted to the council (see chapter 9), all to one end which is preventing any investigation in the exam reports’ fabrication he was involved in. This conflict of interest is a clear violation to the  basics of any law. 
VI) It is also worth mentioning that Dr T.J.McKenna is a consultant in St Vincents hospital. This hospital is the location of my clinical exam (see paragraph IV above). I saw his name that day displayed on the ward of the exam as "The Clinical Convener Examiner" ie in charge/host clinical examiner and his own registrar was around arranging the exam with him.
See also new information under PS: in the second paragraph of chapter one

  • Document 1

  • Document 2

  • Document 3

  • Document 4

  • Document 5

  • Document 6