Chapter 2) Marking exam answer papers after announcing the exam results!!



Note that the documents are not arranged in a chronological order since many documents have become available to me quite later than when it actually happened. The college was compelled by court order years later to disclose those documents .Note that all the documents mentioned and displayed here are stated in the affidavit sworn in court by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (see the appendix)

I)        Document 1 is an Excerpt (the full text is in the appendix chapter) from the royal college information/instructions to the examiners which was disclosed by a court order, this document depicts the examinees’ written answer papers circulation starting from the venue of the exam (the college) to St Vincent’s private hospital from where these should  be collected by the markers ,alternatively the papers could be collected from the college (the venue of the exam), taken away by the exam markers on Friday  to be returned by Monday.
II)      As a result of the above confusing circulation of the examinees’ answer papers, my answer papers of essay questions 2 and 3 have been reported to be “No paper returned” by the exam markers ,this is shown in Document 2 which is the exam result report sent to the candidate i.e. the external exam record of June 1995 .Document 3 (which was disclosed by a court order) is an internal college record dated 27th of July 1995 (sometime after announcing the exam results), this document shows that the marks of the essay questions number 2 and 3  were (-) i.e. zero. So till 27th of July 1995 there were no answer papers available (still mislaid or lost) for questions 2 and 3 as their scored marks were zero.
III)    Document 4 is page 16 of the affidavit sworn by the college in court (the full text is in the appendix) and is a continuation of page 4 of this affidavit which is in effect entitled “documents admitted by the college to be available and in its possession”. Item 178 on document 4 confirms that ALL the June 1995 essay answer papers are available in the college i.e. found and ALL marked (see IV below) apparently at a later date than 27th of July 1995 (see II above).
IV)    Document 5 is an internal college record (disclosed by a court order) dated 1996; this internal record shows that the records were amended from zero for questions 2, 3(as shown in 27th July 1995 records of document 3) to 44 and 44. This internal document belongs to June 1995 exam since June 1995 is abbreviated to 1995/3, the date of accepting the application for the exam was 12th of April 1995 (two months before June 1995 exam) and the exam number is 134 the same as in document 2 of June 1995 external record of the exam result.
V)      The examinees’ answer papers could be lost or mislaid by the college’s officers during transport within the  venue of the exam( see chapter 7), that is one possible mechanism of how my answer papers were mislaid initially( see II above) but found (see III above) and marked(see IV above) in a later date, the other possibility is that the exam markers returned the marked answer papers later than scheduled (see I and II above).,either scenario could explain the combination of amending the records (see IV above) and the late appearance of the answer papers  as admitted on the college affidavit (see III above)
VI)    Chapter 3 depicts how my answer papers were again mislaid by the college officers in the subsequent exam occasion in January 1996, but instead of admitting it this time as well the officers fabricated marks, fabrication also extended to the clinical exam marks/reports (see chapter 4).The director of exam has been known to fabricate (see chapter 5)


  • Document 1

  • Document 2

  • Document 3

  • Document 4

  • Document 5