Chapter 12) Presidents run the colleges as private clubs for the senior fellows

I) Document 1 shows that Dr.T.J.McKenna has become a President  after breaching the rules by swapping documents before submitting them to the council in order to prevent any investigation that would have exposed the college fellows’ dubious exam practices (see chapter 9).
II) Document 2 shows that Dr.J.Murphy the former president of the college wrongly exonerated an errant fellow on what is known as “Neary scandal”.
III) Documents 3 and 4 are a copy of a letter to the current (the year 2012) President Dr.Crowe who refused my request to inform the council or the visitor of my documented serious allegations of impropriety against senior college officers in order for the council or the visitor to instigate an investigation. His inaction was to protect the offenders and spare them being subject to questioning. It didn’t matter for the president that the allegations are leveled against the officers who control an exam so important for both the doctors and the general public who are treated by those doctors.(see chapter 13)
       The above shows that solidarity against any member of the public or the students is the pledge of any president to the college fellows who elected him; it doesn’t count how wrong or serious those fellows’ actions are. This has to change since the royal colleges are not private clubs for the fellows but public bodies that qualify doctor specialists for the public. It is imperative to have an independent public oversight on the college affairs since the council reach is limited to what has been presented to them by the executive college officers ,the fallacy of this presumed council supervision is shown in chapter 9,also counting on the college censors to guard the rules is ineffective as well (see chapter 8,10) since they’ve an interest in covering up any error to avoid being questioned of how it happened in first place before their watch, it is also evident  that the presumed  supervisory role of the visitor as depicted by the charter and the state statute isn’t in force since his(the visitor) interference is supposed to be initiated by a notice of the alleged impropriety being provided to him by the very fellows who committed those improprieties!! (See chapter 11)

  • Document 1

  • Document 2

  • Document 3

  • Document 4