Chapter 1) Summary of events in a letter to all the royal colleges

        Documents 1,2,3,4 are copy of a letter dated August 11th 2011 addressed to both the outgoing President Dr. John Donohoe and the current (the year 2012) president Dr. John Crowe Presidents of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, outlining the corruption charges against senior officers of the college asking them to inform the council of these charges in order to instigate an independent credible investigation but they refused to do so.    

It's important to mention that Dr.T.J.Mckenna the major participant in the affair moved into the registrar office to block any formal independent investigation which would have certainly reached him personally,remained till 2003 as registrar,became a president from 2003 till 2006 and then acting president in 2007 ,after another president (Dr.John Murphy) had to resign after been involved in another impropiety in 2007(this is shown in chapter 12)  

Copies of this letter were sent to all the royal colleges of the British Isles.    

 PS :New information   

After showing this web, someone contacted me and related new information. After the registrar has deceived the council (see chapter 9), he was suspended from his position as a registrar in November 1997. This was a short victory for a wing ( this wing was led by Dr.Stanley Roberts the college president at the time who was bemused of Dr.McKenna's behavior as he did not know of his persnonal involvement in the matter in first place) within the college who wanted to apply the rules; no matter what the cost is. The registrar who feared a scheduled investigation into in his involvement in a serious exam offences raised noise and threats( that the whole college will fall as a consequence) ,and pushed himself back into the registrar office to abort the investigation. It was a scene and prospects that made many fellows yield and accept the unacceptable since the alternative was horrendous and scadalous. 

Within weeks, the wing of Dr.McKenna overwhelmed the seen again, and he returned to his registrar post. This wing saw that upholding the rules, and allowing me to appear before an investigation (appeals) committee as a danger. In addition, the covert practices within the exam will be laid bare, this will destroy the status and privileges of those fellows long established culture of controlling MRCP results covertly ( one of the documents show that some examinees names are left on exam papers for the marking examiner to take note of ), something the the registrar Dr.John feely could not tolerate and he quit his post premarurely (see chapter 6).  I was also informed that Dr.McKenna's party(wing) insisted on making him a registrar for unusual two subsequent terms (six years); this was followed by a presidency term (three years) i.e nine consecutive years as an executive, this was to assert protecting the way of living within RCPI,and this way of life is alive and well till today.It seems that the lack of respect to the rules ; within the college,was a cause and result for an internal conflict and infight between different factions of the fellows within the college, that led to the current turmoil in RCPI.  

   When I started the court case against the college, Dr.McKenna as a registrar took it upon himself to defend the action on his own without consultation with the council( As a registrar, he was the door gate of the college, controlling all the ins and outs). He thought involving the council will entice it to conduct an investigation, something he dreaded and refused all along since he was personally involved in the affair ,furthermore his previous deception to the council would be laid bare(see chapters 4,6 and 9). So he gave unwise instructions to the college solicitor who thought he was representing the college; she did not know that he was not, in fact he was defending himself and trying to push the matter out of the college vicinity (fearing the council involvement) while  depending on the lawyers to beat it in court .Now after appearing this web site, the college put the blame on the solicitor( rather than Dr.Mckenna) forcing her out of the biggest law firms in the country. Their solicitor advised them to succumb to my request in conducting an internal college investigation( my only condition of not showing this web) but they refused again. The college dilemma is what if my allegation are true-would they suspend the fellows involved?,and what about missing about somebody's degree?what will be the reaction by the other candidates?



  • Document 1

  • Document 2

  • Document 3

  • Document 4